Corporate Info

Why Choose Us?

Integrity and access to information 

Engage and work with government and the public sector, business, education and national and international organizations in the Regulatory Compliance, Anti-Bribery, Ethics and Good governance

Formulation of programs and systems 

Projects in provision of non-governmental frameworks for the effective participation, coordination, monitoring, evaluation and review of anti-corruption and compliance activities and programs

Regulatory Compliance

Compliance is a standing agenda item for senior management and the board to enable proactive management of regulatory risks – the criticism sometimes levelled being that regulatory compliance is a secondary concern for senior executives.


Monitoring the organization’s compliance with relevant laws, regulations and internal risk policies

Balance Sheet

Instead, controlling corruption requires a wide range of strategies. Unethical behavior in government is viewed as a situation where there is fraudulent or dishonest conduct or improper behaviour by people who are in a position or power. Bribery, extortion, embezzlement, the use of legislated powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain, nepotism, rent seeking etc. are some examples for unethical behavior in government.

How do you deal with unethical behavior in government? How do you curb corruption? Our experience demonstrates that establishing an ethical government is not an easy task. There is no single approach to curb (political) corruption effectively. Instead, controlling (political) corruption requires a wide range of strategies.


Cases Completed

Awards winning



Satisfied customers

Anticorruption and Ethical Governance

ZAN Consulting has successfully conducted compliance projects in complex industries such as Oil and Gas, Financial Services, Medical, Health and Pharmaceutical Industries Projects have included Effective and Competent Corruption investigations, Financial Crime Investigations, Compliance Monitoring, Anticorruption Public Awareness and Public Relations Campaigns, Business Management, Resource provision and support.

ZAN Consulting uses the pragmatic approach of a combination of guidance and monitoring activities, whereby Compliance takes both an advisory and monitoring role: Advisory: to partner with the business and provide guidance on the interpretation of regulatory requirements, and delivery of operations in line with the firm’s regulatory risk appetite

Monitoring: to undertake independent compliance monitoring of the business against the firm’s regulatory risk appetite.

ZAN Consulting has successfully conducted compliance projects in complex industries such as Oil and Gas, Financial Services, Medical, Health and more...
